Thursday, March 17, 2011

Method for Achieving Gains in Electrical Systems Utilizing Pulsed DC

Or How We Discovered A New Way of Utilizing DC Electricity                           

This work is based on a simple circuit I ran across, and to which all my free time and many thousands of dollars in the development of prototypes have been dedicated. Some by me, some by my partner Matt. All conclusions, opinions and conjecture are my own, or my partner Matt’s, but all are based on WORKING prototypes we have built. While not ALL of the prototypes exist at the present time, the more advanced ones certainly do. It is my sincere hope that all who view this document will suspend their disbelief long enough to try the basic experiments detailed here, and once successful, will be curious enough to follow the path we laid out. It is our hope that this simple path will one day become a superhighway of investigation and exploration into a different method of using DC (and eventually AC) electricity. It is our belief, that what my partner, Matthew Jones, and I have learned WILL FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE OUR UNDERSTANDING OF HOW ELECTRICITY WORKS AND HOW IT CAN BE USED.

This is the basic circuit I saw in 2008. What is NOT clearly shown on the diagram above is that when you look at each battery, the TOP of each battery is the positive terminal. That means that the LOAD shown, which is a small light bulb, is connected between the POSITIVES of two batteries. This is an old circuit used by ham radio operators in the 1940’s and 50’s with small batteries and a small light, to move the charges around in batteries and charge up the battery that starts out on the bottom right in figure 1. I originally saw this in material posted  by John Bedini. As you can see in the four parts of the diagram,  “battery 3”, which starts out as a discharged battery, is rotated around until it finally arrives back where it started, at which time it is charged.  How long this process takes and how long the battery remains in each position I cannot say, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that in April of 2008 I saw this diagram and decided to find out for myself if it would work.

I didn’t have a small light, but I did have a 12 volt electric motor. I did not know that the originators of this design were using 1.5 volt batteries, so I used the 12 volt batteries that I had.  I ran a motor between the positives just like they ran the load in this diagram. Connecting a load between two positives? Is this taught in modern electrical theory? No, it is not.

This began my research into this circuit and how it could be used to run electric motors, culminating in my current understanding of some principles that are outside our current understanding of how electricity can be used, or at least how it is disclosed in the literature that it can be used.  So let’s begin with a theory. It doesn’t matter if it is right or wrong, for that may be proven either way eventually, but at least it will help you to understand my thinking and the road I have taken that has led me to the current WORKING prototypes my partner Matt and I have built. Matt may disagree with my theory, but then he has shown me the error of my ways on a LOT of things I have come up with over the years, So this is me, and Matt will get his chance a little later on.

Modern electrical theory states that when you connect an electric motor to a battery, the energy stored in the battery goes into the motor and is converted to mechanical energy and some heat, and the motor will run until the battery is “discharged.” By discharged, they mean empty of energy. Why is it empty? Because the load has consumed the charge or the "energy" in it. 

But what if they are incorrect? What if electricity acts more like water? What if the energy in the battery is all on (for example) the positive plates? There would be a difference in potential between those plates with ALL the energy, and those with none. This is a difference your meter would measure as over “12 volts” difference between ONE side of the battery and the other. And when we connect the motor, that energy simply runs into the motor on a wire, THROUGH the motor, and down the other wire to the other set of plates plates in the battery  until BOTH sides of the battery are equal. Just like what would happen in two equal bottles connected at the bottom by a plastic tube when you filled one with water. What if that is EXACTLY what is happening when you run a motor on a battery?

What does that mean? When the motor is run, a little bit of energy is lost to heat and some because of resistance in the wire, but the majority of the energy is STILL in the battery. We just can’t get it out because there is NO DIFFERENCE between what is on one side of the battery and what is on the other, so no movement of current and no energy flow. No POTENTIAL difference between the two sides. When we charge the battery back up, we FORCE those electrons or ions or WHATEVER all back to one side of the battery again, re-establishing that potential difference. Or at least this is our theory.  Can we prove it? Let's find out, shall we?

I'm sorry to say I had to delete the remainder of what I posted here because it gave away information that could lead YOU to the discoveries we have made, and we are in the process of obtaining patents.  Suffice to say, my statement in bold above is true. UNDERSTANDING THE 3 BATTERY SYSTEM WILL FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGE OUR UNDERSTANDING OF HOW ELECTRICITY WORKS AND HOW IT CAN BE USED.

But here is an interesting circuit you can try. Connect a boost module directly to a battery and set it for 24 volt output. Some HIGHLY efficient boost modules can be found on the internet that are rated at 99.7% efficient. Connect a simple 12 volt motor between the POSITIVE output on the boost module and the positive of the same battery. Don't connect the negative output of the boost module to anything. Does the motor run? You Betcha. 

If you REALLY want to have some fun, disconnect the wire from your motor that is going to the battery and connect it to the + in on a kilowatt meter. Connect the - in to the negative of the battery. Now connect the - out to the same negative of the battery and the + out to the + of the same battery with a directional diode to make sure the battery voltage doesn't reach the output of th kilowatt meter. You are now measuring how much voltage went THROUGH the load and back to the battery.